Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Traveling Teddy

Meet Fuzzley! He's my traveling teddy friend! He gets to visit 10 other lovely crafters who will show him around and help him collect trinkets along his journey. He left home today, and should be in Kansas by Tuesday! I knitted him a little rainbow scarf before I sent him on his way, so he'll keep warm.

I've also finished my monthly bookmark for the yahoo KAL, the pattern for it can be found on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MonthlyBookmarksKAL/ in the files section. Its a pretty flower!! *see below* Unfortunately my camera totally sucks because it's my built in webcam, so until I get back to Colorado, where I can use my real camera, all my photos will be crap-tastic! YAY!

^ Bookmark

Ive also started on socks for franken-feet. they shouldn't be done any time soon. Its been interesting to learn to knit socks though! I chose the two at once, toe up, circular needle method. *which was a LOT to take on at once* but I think ive finally got it figure dout thanks to some fellow knitters blogs. yay! Now, back to trying to make socks for size 13 feet on size 2 needles...hmmm....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekend Jaunts

I spent the week thinking about trying my first pair of socks...and have decided to take the plunge! While hunting through my stash for some yarn to use I found nothing too inspiring...but I did find a bag filled with simply soft brites, which I had intended to work into an afghan for my sister's birthday. So I decided I would do that, and in the use a black t-shirt that I cut up as a flower's outline. So I drew up a pattern for the afghan, and decided to take a trip to the yarn store!!

Since I'm working out of town this summer, I googled local yarn stores and came across one I wanted to use. Then, I dragged my darling boyfriend across town to help me pick yarn for his socks. the ladies at the store put him to work winding balls of yarn while I hunted for hours for the perfect yarn. I found what I needed. *And of course, several things I wanted*

I'm now back home and have put aside all my other fun projects to start on a *couple* new projects! yay!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Project Complete

Luca's beret is finished! i tied in all the ends last night added ribbon and elastic and will be shipping it out today! yay! I can cross one more thing off my knitting "to do" list. From the VERY top!

I've been working on a bookmark from a yahoo KAL group, its little bitty tiny. *probably because i downsized both the yarn and the needles! eep!* and while I'm not working on that I will probably be working on my "baby" blankie. i say "baby" because it ended up being gigantic. I'm not sure if this is because of some needle mishaps I had or because I wasn't in the mood to gage the yarn and just went for it. Either way, its more of a baby-yarn colored throw. If its too terrible I'll just leave it in the sorority living room for people to use while watching TV. Which is probably where it will end up anyways, as that's where all my throws end up! Either there or strung about the house because my roommates love them. I will eventually make them all their own, and until then, no throws will stay where I leave them. At least they're loved!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm Wired!

I have a knitting blog! woo hoo! Connection is a brilliant thing. I'll be updating/adding eventually, but I'm currently at work keeping myself busy during the lunch hour, so nothing fun yet! But soon.

Until then, I am working on a beret in a powder blue for a friend of mine's birthday. Which happend to be 5 days ago, but I figure its better late than never, right? Thankfully, I'm *almost* done with it. I've started the decreases! I'll post pics soon.